Wednesday, April 2, 2014

To Glue or Not To Glue

So I am a HUGE fan of eyeliner ......... on other people. But I can never seem to make it look right and with my very asian eyes it seems difficult to even get my eyelashes to curl up over my folded eyelid. Sigh ........ Oh but I have seemed to find a solution. If you want a short cut to glamorous eyes its called fake eyelashes! There are many different kinds and I have tried them all and I would be more then happy to delve in and dish out the goods!

Now they can be scary, and hairy and very sticky .......... oh you guys have dirty minds! It will take some practice but once you get the hang of it you'll never want to go party without them. They will become your new favorite accessory to your outfit like those hot red heels you love so much.

The first kind of falsy's I will reveal to you have become all the new craze. I have to admit they are not my favorite kind, but are extremely effective and will give you a ton of wear time. Here is the deal:

Type - Mink Eye Lash Extensions 
$$$ -  $75 to $300
The Dish - You can get Polyester synthetic eyelashes which usually come from overseas they tend to last longer then the real Mink ones. The real mink ones are gathered by brushing the mink and taking the fur that has shed and gluing them to your own eyelashes ......... weird? The whole process takes about an hour for a full set, at least where I did them, she did a great job as well!
The Real Deal - They look absolutely amazing and you don't really ever need to apply mascara again. You wake up being able to hop out of bed and through the door in no time. I never really applied makeup while having them. So what's the downside you ask? Well the glue they use does break down over time from oil and wear and tear. Care must be taken when washing your face, and applying face cream. They're definitely not ideal for beach use or highly active people. If you have asian eye-fold eyes like myself once they start coming off your own eyelashes they will poke you in your eyelid when you open and close them. If you don't mind being a bit high maintenance and getting them filled about every 3 weeks then they are totally worth it.

Type - Flasies (Strip eyelashes)
$ - $6 to $25
The Dish - Falsies are great! The are my favorite way of getting those crazy cat eye looks. A bit of glue slap em on and you're good to go. No real maintenance required and whats great is they can be re-usable, and to take them off just pull. The come in every shape and size and lushness you can think of and for someone who is a veteran falsie wearer they take no more then 5 minuets to put on.
The Real Deal - They can look a bit too perfect, but honestly who cares. You can find ones that look more natural Quo (which can be found at shoppers) makes a very nice line and variety of natural to all out party looks. MAC cosmetics makes them as well which also come in a case where you can store them to be re-used, but like everything with MAC they are a bit more expensive. Mastering the art of falsie application will take some time, have patience and the right glue and only practice will make them look perfect.  I do always keep a small tube of Duo eyelash glue in my purse when I wear them in-case touch ups are needed, usually at the corners if I'm overly sweaty or my eyes are particularly watery.

Type - Falsies (Single eyelashes)
$ -  $6 to $20
The Dish - The singular falsies are used to give you more of a natural not too perfect look. They are usually used only on the corners of the eyes but obviously can be used throughout the eyelash. Same rules apply to them as the strip ones.
The Real Deal - I've never really been able to get the single lashes to stay on my eyes but I have had them applied successfully by a make up artist. They do look more "naturally glamorous", but because of my eyefold they are not the most comfortable. I also have never really tried to re-use them but I imagine you can just make sure you remove the glue from the ends before storing.

Pictures and instructions for application to follow! Stay tuned :)